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Canadian Author and Social Justice Advocate
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FRANCES KOZIAR is a Canadian writer with over 150 pieces of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction published in over 100 different literary magazines and outlets, including Best Canadian Essays 2021, Daily Science Fiction, The New Quarterly, SubTerrain, and Canadian Notes & Queries. She is seeking an agent for both diverse NA/adult literary high fantasy novels and original children's fairy tales.


She is a young (disabled) retiree with a background in academic anthropology and archaeology, where she specialized in Aztec human sacrifice and the anti-racist study of Aztec indigenous religion and ontology. She lacks five different kinds of privilege and is a social justice activist, a proud DM, and an active Unitarian Universalist (a multi-faith/atheist religion about radical inclusion).


She lives in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

Frances Koziar Official Website, Frances Koziar Author Page, Frances Koziar Writer, Kingston Ontario Canada, Author of The War of the Shard, Frances Koziar fantasy author, Frances Koziar, Frances Koziar, Frances Koziar website

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